Our Organization
Our Ministers, present and past
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The Reverend
Kristina Spaude
Contract Minister
Meet our New Minister, Rev. Kristina Spaude
The Rev. Kristina Spaude is a native of NE Ohio, having grown up in the suburbs of Cleveland and then spending about 20 years in Kent, Ohio. The congregations of that whole area are very special to her, having shaped so much of her ministry with their love and support.
Rev. Kristina came to Florida by way of Pennsylvania, where she worked as a Staff Chaplain for Geisinger Medical Center (a Level 1 Trauma and Regional Medical Center) in Danville. Prior to that, she completed a Chaplaincy Residency and Fellowship (2016-18) at the Northeast Ohio VA Medical Center in Cleveland, OH. Serving our nation’s veterans continues to be important to her.
Rev. Kristina also served as a part-time Director of Religious Education (2013-15) with SouthWest UU Church in North Royalton, OH, and Intern and Sabbatical Minister (2014-16) for the First UU Church of Youngstown, OH (UUYO), before serving the UU Church of Tarpon Springs as their contract minister (2020-24). She is a graduate of Meadville Lombard Theological School (2016) and previously a graduate of Kent State University (history and French and Russian Translation).
Among Rev. Kristina’s passions are intersectionality, working to dismantle systems of oppression, sexuality education, community-building (including timebanking), theology, sciences, linguistics, history, and especially learning. One of her favorite current practices is cross-stitching. Her happy place is being in or near water and she loves to swim. She also has one cat, William, a fancy house panther (tuxedo).
Rev. Kristina is delighted to begin serving as the minister of Tri-County UU and the UUC of Lake County, and is looking forward to meeting you! She will begin her work with the two congregations in August.
Justin Adams
Music Director
Justin Adams is excited to be joining the Tri-UU team! Originally from Maine, Justin has spent the past ten years traveling the country as a music director, pianist, and conductor for musical theatre productions. He has also served as an accompanist for numerous choirs and ensembles and is a member of the American Choral Directors Association and the Music Teachers National Association. He received his music education between the University of Southern Maine and Valley City State University and plans on beginning his graduate studies in music education in the coming year. Currently, Justin is on the faculty at St. Peter Catholic School in Deland as the PreK-8th grade music teacher.
Tri-UU Board of Trustees
The Tri-County Unitarian Universalists Board of Trustees is elected by the congregation and drives the mission and the vision of the church. It is the legal representative of the Fellowship and is
in charge of its property, business, financial, and administrative affairs.
There are seven members on the Board of Trustees, including four officers (president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer) and three trustees at large. The term for the board is our fiscal year, from April 1 to March 31. The minister serves as an ex-officio member, consulting and guiding the board but without a vote.
Cindy Grossman
Bruce Twiss
Joyce Mills
Jake Bishop
(Click to enlarge)
Our Teams
Building and Grounds Team/Garden Keepers
Bruce Twiss
Oversees operation of building & grounds, including the Memorial Garden. Creates a safe & visually appealing interior environment.
Meets monthly.
Fun and Friendship Team
Erin Woodsome
Coordinates social events such as monthly potlucks, UU&U socials, dances, field trips.
Care Team
Nancy Garrison
Arranges companions, meals, transportation, or other short-term services for members and friends experiencing stressful life events such as illness, death of a loved one, or relocation.
Membership Team
Jan Droegkamp
Welcomes new and regular members, provides greeters for services, sponsors New Member orientation, manages the mentoring program
for new members.
Social Justice Team
Joyce Mills
Informs Tri-UU of issues, causes, and actions as suggested by the UUA; supports local charitable needs, partners with other groups working for social justice. Meets monthly.
Information Technology
Ivett Garza
Manages all audio/visual presentation and related technology for Services.
Develops plans and procedures to create a safe and welcoming environment at Tri-UU
Peggy Roberts, Nancy Soldberg, Diane Carlin
Coordinates the muscial presentation and musicians for our Sunday Service and other fundraising events.
Stewardship Team
Erin Woodsome
Encourages tangible commitment through sharing of
time, talent, and treasure.
Finance Team
Tom Murphy
Ensures responsible fiscal management including activities pertaining to endowment
and investing.
Meets as needed.
Lifespan Education
Erin Woodsome / Nancy Croce
Schedules and arranges instructors for classes and discussion groups and monthly forums on all aspects of Unitarian Universalism and
spiritual development.
Worship Team
Helene Kirschbaum
Schedules pulpit speakers, trains Service Leaders, produces weekly Order of Service, and is responsible
for audio-visual and music services.
Program Council
The Program Council is composed of all the Team Leaders of Tri-UU. The role of the Program Council is to share what is happening within the committees in order to facilitate communication, collaboration, and cooperation among the working teams within the congregation. The Council discusses any policy issues to be considered by Board. The Program Council is facilitated by the vice president of the Board for continuity and easier flow between the two bodies.
Photo Left: Presentation of the Board of Trustees and Program Council to the Congregation
Member Resources
Below you’ll find links to a number of resources of special interest to members and friends of Tri-UU.
Member Directory
A Member Directory is emailed periodically to all congregation members and friends. If you would like a copy, please click here: karen.gammons30@gmail.com
Tri-UU/UUFMC History
Members and Friends of Tri-UU can Read the current version of our congregational history here.
Get Involved
Whatever your interests - from social justice activities to spiritual discovery to potluck dinners - there's probably something you haven't yet discovered at Tri-UU. Find out here.
External Links
These are links to several sites of special interest to many UUers. They are either operated by, affiliated with or supported by the Unitarian Universalist Association.
Unitarian Universalist Association
The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) is the central organization for the Unitarian Universalist religious movement in the United States. The UUA’s 1000+ member congregations are committed to Seven Principles that include the worth of each person, the need for justice and compassion, and the right to choose one’s own beliefs.
Side With Love
(formerly Standing on the Side of Love)
An interfaith public advocacy campaign promoting respect for the inherent worth and dignity of every person. Side with Love confronts issues of exclusion, oppression, and violence based on identity. Core issues of focus include, but are not limited to, LGBTQ equity, immigrant justice, and racial justice.
Florida-based UU organizations
UU Association, Southern Region
UU, Southern Region, Northeast Cluster
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
A nonprofit, nonsectarian organization advancing human rights together with an international community of grassroots partners and advocates. Meaningful opportunities for taking action together to advance human rights.
Unitarian Universalist College of Social Justice
Immersion learning journeys, justice training programs, summer internships, and direct volunteer opportunities with partner organizations in the U.S. and abroad. All programs are designed to help people cross boundaries, gain insight, and imagine new ways to make a difference in the world.