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Why Did we come to TriUU.png
What do we want for or from TriUU.png

A Report on the Congregational Survey from the Transitions Team

Thank you to all who took part in the survey.  49 people responded.  While those responding had been Unitarian Universalist from 1 to 60 years, most were long-time Unitarian Universalists.  The average length of time as a UU was 22.9 years.  Respondents had been part of Tri-UU from 1 to 34 years, with most being part of the congregation from 1-10 years, 7.3 years being the average.

The two most frequent ways that people came to Tri-County Unitarian Universalists was through a spouse or friend or by purposefully looking for a UU congregation.  A large number of people mentioned the friendliness of the people and that they shared the values and principles of the congregation as how they knew that Tri-UU was the place for them. 

There was a wide variety of answers to the question, “What is missing or what would you like to see strengthened at Tri-UU?” Many people wanted more members, more diverse members, and younger people.  Several people expressed a desire for an administrator or administrative assistant.   Various respondents wanted more spirituality and less spirituality, more social justice, and less social justice.  A number expressed a desire for a minister grounded in Unitarian Universalism, vibrant music, and making the location more easily found. Several people also expressed a desire for more religious education and for more social gatherings.  

Again, thank you for taking the time to consider your answers and share them with us.

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